Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stereotyping: From the Other Side

**Stereotyping: a popular belief about specific types of individuals.

   When we see other people of different ethnic backgrounds and races, we tend to pass our own almost involuntary judgment on them. Our society has formed such a stereotypical view for each race and even gender. The evidence in the smaller details that we believe just "are". It's in our advertising, other forms of mass media, and everywhere in our day-to-day lives. We draw conclusions about other people by observing their clothes, material possessions, style, and their behavior. Sometimes, our judgments can be malicious even when that isn't our intention. We don't know everyone's story, but it's our instinct to size up the people around us, those who we are competing with for our scarce resources in this world. 
    Being on the opposite side of stereotyping, as an Asian-American, I don't let people's stereotyping me impede me from living. However, it does become annoying after a while of being asked, "Are you related to Jackie Chan? Are you a ninja? Do you know karate? You're Asian, so of course you're good at math." Firstly, no, I am not in any way related to Jackie Chan. He is Chinese, but he is from the deeper south, and we don't have the last name. That's like me asking a white person if he or she is related to Chuck Norris. That is obviously not so. Secondly, just because I am of Asian descent, it does not mean that I have hidden ninja skills, know karate or any other kind of martial art. Lastly, I absolutely am not good at math. In addition, I do not spend my entire existence with my nose crammed in a textbook. Sorry to let you down, guys. I do play the violin, but I am not amazing at it, so there goes your Asian stereotype out the window... It's really quite funny how Asians, Hispanics, African-Americans, and other races have been perceived in the U.S. over the years. 
      The following images are ones in which you would pass judgment based on what you immediately see.
Just from looking at this picture of this girl, I immediately notice her mixed race. Then, her appearance seems to be of a cleanly nature, so I can assume that she is not poor. Plus, the guys in suits behind her lead me to make the assumption that she is at a social function, which also supports my thought about her socioeconomic status. 
What do you see?

 I would immediately look at her clothing, noticing that she seems to have come from perhaps a middle class, well-to-do family that might live in the suburbs. She seems like she is pretty happy, like any other average, white teenage girl would be. She looks intelligent and bright-eyed. Her appearance is nice and neat, a good school-girl type of vibe. 
What do you see?

I can immediately assume that she is from the Middle East, but her eyes are peculiar, which perhaps tells of a mixed race. She is slightly dirty, so I am guessing that she works a lot, is from a poverty-stricken place. She looks like she's wanting something or just thinking hard. Some would perhaps ask why she has a nose piercing, wondering if it is a cultural norm. 
    However, so many Americans associate an entire people with the deeds of an individual that happens to be of the same race or ethnicity. For example: Almost everyone stereotyped and treated people from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East countries, etc. as terrorists after 9/11. We generalized, and that unfortunately brought out a darker side of our human nature. 
What do you see?
I know immediately that she is of either Hispanic, Pacific Islander, or maybe Indian descent. She is dressed scantily, so I assume that she is perhaps a "sex symbol", either a model, celebrity, etc. She has nice attire (however little), so I am guessing that she is pretty well off, nothing close to poverty. She looks like she parties a great deal and dances.
What do you see?

This man is obviously from an earlier period in history. He looks like a well-to-do guy. He seems like a very pensive person, very stolid. He is a Caucasian, heterosexual, young, HIV negative, typical male from what I see.
What do you see?

   The first image is of Lucia Micarelli. She is the violinist that plays for singer Josh Groban. She attended Julliard, and she is of Italian-Korean heritage.
   The second image is of Rachel Scott. She was only 17 years old when she was murdered in the Columbine shooting. She was very talented, driven, and a devout Christian. 
   The third image is of an Afghan girl. She is poor, and yes, this is her true eye color. 
   The fourth image is of Nicole Scherzinger. She is the lead singer of the pop group The Pussycat Dolls as well as a solo artist. She is very well-known, and she is of Hawaiian-American heritage. She dances and she sings, and she is well-to-do, economically and socially. 
    The last image is of Edgar Degas. He is the famous French artist that lived from 1834 to 1917. Some of his very recognizable work is of ballerinas. His family was moderately wealthy, upper middle class to upper class, probably. His work and reputation as an extremely diverse artist precedes (or technically, "succeeds") him. 

  All these images, like people all around us, are capable of being judged; however, one's assumptions may not always be correct, so always try to find the truth, the real story before seriously passing judgment.  


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Am I A Digital Native?

    According to the excerpt Born Digital by John Palfrey & Urs Gasser, I am a digital native, meaning that I was born after the year1980. I can't really remember a time when I did not have access to Internet, and I learned how to use the technology around me quickly and with ease. In a sense, you had to because you would get left behind if you didn't stay caught up. However, I am not like this fictitious personal assistant mentioned in the article. I enjoy writing letters still, every so often, because there is something more intimate about sitting down and hand-writing a letter to someone, versus typing something up. (As I type this up on my laptop...) It is particularly fun, personally, to write formal letters, because that is what many hiring companies look for in an employee, someone capable and able to comport oneself in an appropriate manner. I was appalled by some of my high school classmates' writing, which consisted of slang expressions such as: idk (I don't know), idts (I don't think so), lol (laugh out loud), haha, omg (Oh my God/gosh/goodness), jk (just kidding), lmao (laugh my a** off), etc. Was this seriously what America's literacy competency was dwindling down to? To me, it felt like this inability to write things out diminished the English language. It was not so much as personal, but it made me cringe, being a lover of intelligent, colorful, and well-utilized diction. Needless to say, I peer edited those students' writing harshly... (Oh, and I cannot stand when people type "U" instead of "you", or words in which they leave out vowels "jst lke ths". It's like, REALLY? Could you not expend the extra bit of effort it would have taken to type one or two more letters? Geez.)
There is even a website that comes up with new slang each day, interestingly enough.(Urban Dictionary)

        Yes, though I am one of the digital native generation, I do see the flaws of the digital world we live in, just as Mark Prensky's Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants presents. We are so involved and enveloped in the technology that continues to grow with the coming generations, that we are losing some part of us that used to be an essential element in our society in the past--the ability to function without our technology. This is so very true, because while even I enjoyed going outside and climbing trees and the like during my childhood, kids these days do not even have to move from their couches to find sources of entertainment. Also, cell phones (text messaging) and online social networks (Facebook, MySpace {Who uses MySpace anymore?}) have made kids more inaccessible to their parents, and more bold online. It is easier to say something you would never have the confidence nor the guts to say to someone in person on the Internet. It's a fact. However, texting and social networking has made these kids more susceptible to the negative influences of media such as pornography or vulgarity in society that no 7 or 10-year-old should ever have to see, even by accident.

     Interpreting emotions is one drawback to texting technologies, despite the easy accessibility and capabilities.While in person, one can discern what another individual is feeling usually from his or her facial expression and/or hand gestures. However, in reading text messages, it is much more difficult. Is this person being sarcastic or serious? That is one reason that even though I text, I still like calling people much more, rather than texting. It is easier to interact more thoroughly with others when you can actually hear their tone. Also, if you have a lot to say, it is easier to call; it spares you the future possibility of developing carpal tunnel. (Not fun...) Plus, I find the "auto-correct"/predictor settings on phones annoying.

      I would say that I am a "native speaker" of the digital world, but there are still many technologies that I don't understand, and personally, I am not sure that I want to. In my opinion, one technology leads to another, and so on. I am perfectly content with what I have because I have all I need. I don't need a computer to spell for me, nor do I need an automated search engine to tell me everything such as the iPhone 4S's "Siri". I find it a bit creepy. I don't really want to have a limited conversation with my phone. Seriously? That's what real people are for. Yes, it is intriguing, but is that really necessary??
      Unlike Henry Jenkins in his article Reconsidering Digital Immigrants, I do not really find fault or issue with being called a "Digital Native". The name applies. However, I do agree with his thoughts on separating the world into digital natives and digital immigrants--we should not. Though technologically, people can be on a different level, that should not cease the sharing that should naturally occur between adults and their children. When we lose communication and sharing that should be existent regardless the expanse of technology, then we might as well stop talking. I do not believe that assimilation into the digital age for digital immigrants should occur, at least not full assimilation, because that difference allows for the possibility of being able to direct kids (digital natives) into a not complete immersion into the technology that surrounds them. Like I said in my previous post, too much of anything can only hurt people.
      Yes, I am a digital native, though I am not the most extreme. I do, however, question the flaws and connotations, both negative and positive, that come with that title. Personally, I enjoy my technology, but I still am a bit "old-fashioned" for my generation (reading actual books instead of "e-books", making organic music, writing letters, writing in cursive, etc. How sad that this is now considered to be out dated or old...). These things have helped me keep my head above the water in the sea of technology that surrounds me, and I feel lucky that I got to experience and to possess this mindset. Otherwise, I think I might be drowning in this fast-paced technology/media-based industry.


P.S.- 中國新年快樂! (Happy Chinese New Years, everyone!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Media Literacy and How It Has Affected Me

    The dictionary definition of media literacy is "Media literacy is the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. It's the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media." Personally, I think that media literacy is the ability to understand that the media affects our lifestyles and the way we see things around us, from issues to everyday activities. It is being able to interpret our society through its means of technology and communication, seeing hidden messages, underlying themes, etc. in our world through different mediums.
     Media literacy requires us to be informed and aware of the influence that media such as magazines, movies, commercial advertisements, etc. have on today's society. The way we accomplish the simplest things have been impacted by these things, even if we do not really notice it. 
     Personally for me, I have an iTouch, an Android phone, and a laptop computer, and I enjoy them all. However, I'm perfectly content with a book as well, and no, not a Kindle book. 
     We see different commercials everywhere on the TV and the Internet, making us desire "bigger and better" things.We are a society that for the most part, believes everything we read, but I don't think we should. Marketing professionals' jobs are to attract people with alluring advertisments, and they know who to target. Of course, there is the good and bad kind of media to succumb to. You just have to be perceptive, choosing the forms that benefits you. (Because of technology and media, we can no longer use the "my dog/cat/iguana ate my homework as our excuses, sadly.)
      We are all so focused upon our phones, that some find ourselves losing interaction and communication skills rapidly, as well as the simpler joys in life, like reading a book or going out and just sitting to relish the silence. We have to be constantly listening to music, or pacing, surrounded by noise, when the best thing is to just sit and enjoy time to ourselves. I know this because I am guilty of these things, as well. 
      Media literacy is important to me, because I want to be able to discern the good from the bad media, so I don't fall too deeply into the hole that is technology, because it could take many joys from my life. I don't like the prospect of wasting away, not living, because I was so enveloped in the materialistic and technological things of this digital age. 
      I never want to lose my sense of social skills, or my individual voice, due to a gradual dependency on media and technology. Technology has a way of de-humanizing a person's unique voice in society, and if people aren't careful, there is always a chance of losing that individuality that makes us who we are. To me, that does not seem worth losing in order to gain a sense of conformity in my society.
      Don't forget the small pleasures in life. If you feel like you are replacing them with technology and media, fight to find a balance, because it's not a negative thing to understand their purpose in society, but like anything, "too much of a good thing can be bad for you".


Links to check out:





Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Introduction: Hello, COM 103

    Hi, I'm Kelsey. I'm a Sociology major, and a Music minor. I want to be a clinical psychologist in the future. I am originally from China, but most of my life I have spent in Georgia.

    I play the violin and some mandolin. 

    I enjoy reading, listening to music, and spending time with my friends and family.
    I am engaged, and this summer, I will be getting married. I am extremely excited! :)

Hopefully, I will be able to keep up with my blogging, because I'm not that great at doing so with diaries or journals. Hope you enjoy reading it!